Sunday, April 19, 2020

I often find inspiration from the culture of our time.  There are many stories that mirror or parallel our quest for Knowledge.  Becoming still so that Knowledge may reveal itself, the need to find the spiritual members of our family so that we have a fellowship and a variety of skills and spiritual levels to draw from and to learn from, the coming challenges of environmental degradation and of interference from the greater community. 

I'm re-watching Peter Jackson's 'Lord of the Rings' (for the 5th time) and find much in the way of inspired story telling that seems to mirror our Knowledge quest:
  • The smallest of the small who has the destiny as the ring-bearer...Don't each of us, at one point or another, feel like the smallest and the weakest and 'what can I possibly contribute?'.
  • The nine members of the Fellowship with a wide variety of skills and powers who band together and are much stronger in the symbiosis of the group...In the case of those of us who have not yet met our spiritual families, the mystery of the family coupled with the symbiosis of the group energy...
  • The loving companion of Frodo, Sam, who refuses to leave his side...Having a companion by our side who loves us with purest devotion.
  • The fact that each member has a purpose which they do not know and only gradually is revealed to them...
    Frodo's purpose is revealed early on, but the purpose of others in the Fellowship is hazy at best and only revealed through a purity of heart and a stout resolve through facing many challenges.
  • The many challenges they face that are surprising and shocking and which reveal strengths and abilities they perhaps didn't know they had...Merry and Pippin are wonderful examples.  Initially they are portrayed as being cut-ups, Hobbit goofballs, and lazy hedonists, interested only in smoking their pipes and drinking gallons of ale.  Later, they display bravery and great cleverness in guiding Treebeard into the destiny HE must fulfill.  They would not have discovered these talents if they hadn't been in the middle of the events they experienced.
These are all wonderful lessons to absorb as a reader, as well as being fascinating tales to experience.