Tuesday, September 25, 2018

So, as I understand it, the overall idea is that as we progress in our study of Steps, Knowledge will gradually make itself known in our consciousness, providing us with a kind of spiritual rudder to help us guide our journey through life.  One aspect emphasized repeatedly is the need for stillness, so that we can actually 'hear' when Knowledge is speaking to us.  It occurs to me that until that lovely day when Knowledge appears in my life, I can be doing other things to practice and exercise this stillness/listening 'muscle'.  Other things in addition to the daily practices.  

Practicing intuition seems logical to me, as it also requires a certain stillness and an ability to pay attention to signals we are receiving.  My speculation brought up the notion that perhaps some of the same habit patterns that will be acquired by bringing Knowledge into our lives may exist in the exercise of using intuition.  I casually practice listening to my intuition and have for years.  I find I do this mainly when I’m driving.  My little exercises mainly consist of selecting the correct lane to be in to avoid any congestion.  I find it’s a quick and easy way to practice it.  One of the keys to a good ‘practice session’ is not stop with being happy when your intuition pays off/annoyed when your intuition doesn’t pay off.  Take the extra step and anchor in the feeling when you have a success.  What did it feel like when you had a sense of which lane you should be in?  Once you’ve identified that subtle feeling, make a point of anchoring it in your psyche.  It will make it just a hair easier the next time you do it. 

I also practice at intersections.  If I have two ways to get to my destination, I check my intuition to decide which is the most efficacious route to take.  Remember, of course, sometimes a ‘bad’ route may turn out to be positive.  And visa versa.  Just keep practicing.  When you have successes, anchor them.  When you have failures, explore what you missed so you can do better next time.

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